Please ensure that you are using the correct ID when doing Account Verification (eKYC).
For Malaysian
- Please ensure you are using MyKad or MyTentera for Malaysian
- Only capture the front of your ID Card
- Ensure that there is no glaring when capturing the photo
- Ensure you are capturing it in a bright room to have the highest picture quality.
- Please do not cover your ID with finger when capturing it, as it may impact the OCR accuracy.
For Malaysian Permanent Resident and Other Nationality :
- Please use Passport only
- Please capture your whole passport, which have your personal information on it and your signature
- Ensure that there is no glaring when capturing the photo
- Please do not cover your ID with finger when capturing it, as it may impact the OCR accuracy.
Below are related articles that might be useful for you :
Why do I fail to scan my face?