Important Note! In certain scenarios, if your account has been suspended due to allowable 6-digit PIN attempts during login or exceeding allowable security questions attempts,
please be patient and allow 24 hours before attempting again.
If you are no longer logged-in: 1. Open the TNG eWallet app, click on 6-digit PIN and enter your Registered Mobile Number. 2. Tap Forgot your PIN?
3. Enter your Registered Mobile Number. Then enter the One-Time Password (OTP) sent to your Registered Mobile Number.
4. For Verified accounts Scan your face. For unverified account, you will be asked to enter your registered ID number or security question.
5. Once completed, enter a new 6-digit PIN and you're done! A message will appear once your 6-digit PIN has been successfully updated.
If you are still logged-in :
1. Open the TNG eWallet app and tap Profile. Then tap Security.
2. Tap Change 6-digit PIN. Then enter Current 6-digit PIN.
3. Enter New 6-digit PIN. A message will appear once your 6-digit PIN has been successfully updated.
If you are still logged-in (Forgot your current 6-digit PIN)
1. Open the TNG eWallet app and tap Profile. Then tap Security.
2. Tap Change 6-digit PIN. Select Forgot your PIN?
3. For Verified accounts Scan your face. For Unverified account, you will be asked to enter your registered ID number or security question.
4. Once completed, enter a new 6-digit PIN. A message will appear once your 6-digit PIN has been successfully updated.
We hope the above information helps. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team by submitting
a request here by selecting the Support Type as 6-digits PIN / Security Questions