There could be several reasons why your PIN reload is unsuccessful :
1. You have entered an incorrect 10 digits PIN
- Please add '0' at the front if the PIN number is less than 10 digits
2. Continuous reload within 1 minute
- Please allow at least 1 minute interval between each reload
3. Multiple failed attempt of PIN reload which result to account locked
- Please retry after 72 hours
4. You have reached max wallet limit - for more info please refer to article Are they any limitations for wallet usage?
- Please utilize some of your balance and retry reload
5. You have reached the monthly limit of RM8,000
- Please utilize balance of the reload PINs in the following calendar month
6. The reload PIN has expired
- You may refer to expiry date printed on the Reload PIN receipt, located below the PIN number.
Sample Reload PIN receipt
7. Invalid PIN number - been used by other user or error in PIN number
- Please refer to the merchant where you purchased the reload PIN or the organization that you received the PIN number
8. Unable to proceed - The function to reload eWallet using TNG eWallet Reload PIN and/or Credit Card may have been disabled due to a breach of the User Terms and Conditions.
- For more info please refer to the article under the section Suspicious activities via TNG eWallet Reload PIN and Credit Card Reload