Orders typically take up to 14 working days. You will receive a tracking number via email from Ninjavan within 5 working days after the purchase.
Articles in this section
- What is the difference between TNG eWallet Soundbox Pocket and TNG eWallet TransferMATE?
- What is TNG eWallet Soundbox TransferMATE?
- Where can I purchase the TNG eWallet Soundbox TransferMATE?
- Can I purchase the TNG eWallet Soundbox TransferMATE as a gift for someone else?
- How long does it take for my TNG eWallet Soundbox TransferMATE order to arrive? Can I track its delivery status?
- How many TNG eWallet Soundbox TransferMATE can I purchase at a time?
- Can I make any changes to the purchased items once my order has been confirmed or cancel the order after I have made the purchase?
- What’s included in the packaging of the TNG eWallet Soundbox TransferMATE?
- Why do I still need to activate the TNG eWallet Soundbox TransferMATE when it already comes with a QR code for my eWallet account?
- How to activate your Soundbox TransferMATE?