The transaction status will be reflected immediately as ‘Successful’ or ‘Failed’ on the transaction history.
The successful reload will be followed up with an SMS to your mobile number.
If your prepaid reload still not reflected within 10 minutes, there may be a delay in the system to process your prepaid top-up. Your transaction will be complete in within few hours or you will be refunded.
If you do not receive the top up after several hours and not refunded, please contact us here for further assistance.
Important Notes
Reload of same amount to the same number is restricted within 15 minutes for Umobile, Altel, XOX, YES. If the transaction did not take place, the amount debited from your account will be automatically refunded within 6 hours
In some cases, due to high traffic of users attempting to top-up especially during campaigns, kindly wait for up to 24 hours for the reload to be reflected.
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