Initial investment starts as low as RM10 for all ASNB funds.
Articles in this section
- What are the Unit Trust funds offered by ASNB through Touch ‘n Go eWallet?
- What is the eligibility to invest in ASNB funds?
- Can I open ASNB account through TNG eWallet?
- What time can I perform fund subscriptions?
- What is the minimum initial investment for each ASNB fund?
- What are the fees & charges to invest in ASNB fund through Touch ‘n Go eWallet?
- What are the services offered in TNG eWallet for ASNB investment?
- Can I redeem my ASNB Investment via Touch ‘n Go eWallet?
- Where can I check the fund details for ASNB funds?
- How can I keep a copy of transaction slip for successful ASNB subscription invested through Touch ‘n Go eWallet?