Transferable & Non-Transferable
- What is the difference between Total Assets and eWallet Balance?
- What is Transferable and Non-transferable in eWallet Balance?
- Where can I view my Transferable eWallet Balance and Non-transferable eWallet Balance?
- What type of reloads are classified as Transferable Balance?
- What type of reloads are classified as Non-Transferable Balance?
- What can I use my Transferable/Non-Transferable eWallet Balance for?
- Which type of eWallet balances will be prioritized for payment deduction?
- Can I transfer my Transferable eWallet Balance and Non-transferable eWallet Balance to other TNG eWallet /a local bank/other eWallets?
- Can I transfer my Transferable eWallet Balance and Non-transferable eWallet Balance to my GO+ account?